Educating the whole child in a holy way since 1896
Immanuel Lutheran School is a home away from home where your child's name is known and class sizes are small enough to allow for individual attention. Each student is fearfully and wonderfully made by God as an individual with gifts to be discovered, developed and shared. Immanuel is a warm, inviting place where students know they are loved and cared for every day and especially in times of trouble. Parents and families are partners in learning at Immanuel and are encouraged to get involved.
Who We Are

Preparation for the Future
Our well rounded, high quality education prepares students for life; not a test. read more

Added Value Opportunities
Weekend retreats, athletics, music, band, student government, and the arts are just a few added v ... read more
ILS Builds Community
Students and their families will not be an anonymous face in the crowd. We are honored to consider you family. Video

Faith and Maturation
Grace received. Grace given. Character development rooted in love and Christian values. Video